Our goal has always been to create exceptional coffee while staying true to our core values of sustainability, tradition, and quality. One of the ways we’ve managed to offer high-quality, specialty coffee at a competitive price is by committing to sustainable practices throughout our process. For example, by sourcing wood locally for our roasting process, we reduce both costs and our environmental impact, avoiding the need to import fossil fuels.

In line with our commitment to sustainability, we’re excited to share that we’ve made a switch to more eco-friendly packaging. Our previous bags consisted of a paper outer layer with a compostable inner bag. While this was a step in the right direction, compostable packaging often isn’t as environmentally friendly as it seems, requiring industrial facilities to break down properly. With our new packaging, we’ve moved to a single, fully recyclable bag that can be easily disposed of through your home kerbside recycling. This change not only simplifies the recycling process for you but also helps us eliminate the use of plastics—a significant challenge in the coffee industry. We see this as a positive step forward, but it’s not our final destination. We’re continuously working to find even better solutions that further reduce our environmental impact, so stay tuned for future updates.

As the coffee industry continues to evolve, influenced by unpredictable weather patterns, shifting economic conditions, and global political changes, these factors directly affect the availability and cost of coffee as a seasonal crop. This makes it increasingly challenging to maintain consistency and affordability.

Recently, we found ourselves faced with a difficult decision: either increase the price of our retail coffee bags or keep the price the same by slightly reducing the quantity. We chose the latter, moving from 250g to 220g. This change means you’ll get about two fewer cups of coffee per bag, but we believe this approach allows us to maintain the balance between quality and affordability.

We’re always evaluating our practices and making conscious decisions that we feel are best for everyone involved—from the farmers who grow the beans to the people who enjoy the final brew. If you want to chat about this change or anything else, please do get in touch.